The Board of Directors consists of 15 directors elected in accordance with the Pennsylvania Kiwanis Foundation’s Bylaws. The Board of Directors elects all officers annually. All terms of office begin on October 1st of each year following the election during the Foundation’s Annual Meeting at the District Convention. (This year’s district convention is in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on August 8-11, 2019)
Each director serves a term of three consecutive years as elected. A director is eligible to remain on the board for not more than two consecutive terms not exceeding six years. A director who is appointed to serve part of an unexpired term may be elected to serve two additional full three year terms.
Please review the Foundation Director Responsibilities and Foundation Director Application. If interested in serving, please e-mail your application to Judy Raub. The nomination committee will then contact you with next steps. If you have any questions, please contact Judy.
Timeline of Events/Activities:
- Now until Thursday, June 30, 2022– Nomination Committee seeks Nominations. All interested individuals should e-mail applications by Thursday, June 30th
- Tuesday, July 5, 2022 to Friday, July 15, 2022 – Nomination Committee interviews candidates finalizes nominations. Candidates are informed of their official nomination. Note: Nominated candidates application details will be shared with District Convention attendees with convention materials.
- Thursday, August 11, 2022 – Nominated candidates attend a meeting to discuss procedures and any questions at District Convention.
- Friday, August 12, 2022– Nominated candidates attend the “Meet the Candidates” session at District Convention where question and answer session is conducted with members of the Pennsylvania District.
- Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 2:00PM – Nominated candidates attend House of Delegates. All Pennsylvania Kiwanis members vote for up to 5 nominated candidates.